How many times can the phoenix be reborn from its ashes One Three Nine unlimited number. Because of its as reading assignment high schools there have been numerous attempts by Moral Guardians to ban this book about banning books. Old Montag wanted to fly near the sun and now that burnt his damn wings wonders why . Dystopia It very grim world the country implied be America in novel though movie and BBC radio drama had Britain mind is prepping for War III one knows cares about rest of hates because its hedonistic ways empathy extinct schools only concerned pumping facts into children heads without any form discussion actual learning teenagers commit petty crimes abandon parlor walls air shallow programming that everyone enjoys marriage brushed off as necessity keep this miserable existence going rather than prescription pill overdoses so common medicscum doctors hired victims nearly Stepford Smiler who deeply depressed. The jet bombers going over one two six of them nine twelve and another did all screaming for him [...]