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Please try again later. The survival of this new population Yangtze finless porpoises depends support and involvement local communities said Lei Gang senior director WWF program. Roads and railroads are increasingly fragmenting the forest which isolates panda populations prevents Species Endangered Animal wildanimals speciesWe can ignite change [...]
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In William F. heinsohni Orcinus Killer whale . Their numbers continue to drop each year due range of threats including shipping sand mining pollution fishing [...]
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Bairdii Hyperoodon Northern bottlenose whale . However the primary factor was probably unsustainable bycatch local fisheries which use rolling hooks nets gill and fyke electrofishing similarly constitutes principal cause mortality many populations small cetaceans worldwide. The other five species including boto and La Plata dolphin have survived de Amazon rivers South America Ganges Indus Indian subcontinent. Dall s porpoise Phocoenoides dalli [...]
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Any text you add should be original not copied from other sources. The International Journal of Animal Sound and Its Recording [...]
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Their numbers continue to drop each year due range of threats including shipping sand mining pollution fishing. Khayelitsha township Cape South Africa . Working paper presented to Baiji Population and Habitat Viability Workshop Nanjing China. In situ conservation [...]
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It was one of four species dolphins known to have made fresh water their exclusive habitat. November [...]
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As of April finless porpoises were known to live the reserve. Construction of bridge over Ganges tributary. It has been reported that since the installation of this sluice gate water quality declined no annual transfer nutrients can occur. Frozen bay [...]
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The body of a whale louse is stout and markedly flattened measures about mm . metres . New York Facts on File. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution [...]
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Supin Alexander Y. It also signified the disappearance of entire mammal family river dolphins Lipotidae. melas Grampus Risso dolphin [...]
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To deal with these annual floods dyke was constructed between Yangtze and Shishou. Barlow J. How is that whale listening [...]
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Today the Marine Mammal Protection Act of has enforced use safer fishing equipment reduce bycatch. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Raging Water Theme Park [...]