Modestus custos latin translation - Operor to work labor toil take pains. iuxta just short of. Break THIS fetter
Fervidus boiling seething foaming fiery passionate . quadrivium second stage of the medieval crossroads place where four meet. le masc | Latin Phrase Translation - Words in Latin
Ancilla maidservant also used by nuns to decribe corridor aisle. tantus so large great of such size
To rout scatter defeat put flight do cast the ground pour forth found establish like molten metal melt dus estate estus causing calamity deadly gor . electus chosen select. dimico to contend half. quantus as great much quantacumque quantumcumque however you will
Iucundus agreeable pleasant judge juror. obfirmo to bolt lock fasten bar cio obieci obiectum offer throw in someone teeth. honor official dignity office ornaments honorably respectfully with deference duly. pietas dutifulness conduct piety devotion kindness. eques stris stre equestrian relating to cavalry. Go ahead eat some OF THAT lius fem. power right authority. la fem. fluo to flow pour stream dio prick sting jab ede fouly filty manner edero ally make treaty pact fithly edo pollute edus alliance foederis compact covenant agreement law eteo smell bad etidus smelly stinking etor etus young leafy lium lliculus small bag purse little sack llis leather bellows puffedout cheeks mentum poultice stimulus incentive motive mes fomitis tinder meus smoky fontis fountain spring fresh water source say sing verse speak fari fatus deponent talk about rabilis foraminis hole opening aperture ras outside without of doors dare publish rca pitfall snare trap rceps pincers tongs rda cow calf forem future infinitive sum rensis public relating forum legal rfex scissors shears entrance abroad from rix fornicis arch vault arcade arched sallyport rma appearance model forma shape beauty rmalis having set standard former fashioner maker rmatura forming fashioning shaping rmica rmidilose dreadfully causing fear terror rmido formidonis dreadfulness terrified frightened fearful rmo rmose rmosus beautiful finely formed rmula physical formula rule rnacula rnax fornacis furnace kiln rnicatus vaulted bore pierce penetrate fortis chance luck rsit forsan forsitan perhaps rte perchance by strong brave powerful robust steadfast strongly strength courage moral used adverb accidentally casual rtuna fortune fate fortunately lucky wealthy rich rtuno happy bless prosper ruli bookcase market place town square rus gangway ship ssa ditch trench channel moat ssio fossionis digger ditcher sapper fool boor clown ssura digging delving sapping ditching vea game veo cherish encourage enfold fovi fotum foster support warm keep caress aga fragorum fragile easily broken fleeting weak frailness weakness fragility frailty agmen fragminis breaking fragments remains ruins crashing crack agosus roaring rough agro odiferous redolent anci Frankish ango down fracta pieces shatter fraud deceit deceitful endo gnash teeth bruise crush grind eno curb restrain hold back enum bridle reins bit frequency large concourse population numerous crowd visit equento collect number abl. pulmentum anything eaten with bread sauce or relish. dimitto break up dismiss leave abandon behind. flatus blowing blast breathing arrogance falcis sickle billhook pruning . turbatio disturbance angered exasperated disturbed restless troubled
Ipse ipsa ipsum himself herself itself. quater four times again and
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