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However there are no placebo controls so assuming causeand effect unblinded study is subscience. There are also photos some of which appear be real smooth faceted gallstones and others showing shaggy surfaces that obviously not . The one paper I did find interesting is Vivo mouse tumor pilotstudy from Japanese school of allied health
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The right conclusion seems obvious. Relaxin Tablets The pregnancy hormone is presently being offered for sale pill form. We are the only company with activated liquid zeolite product that detoxifies body removing toxins and chemicals exposed every day have been for our entire lives. And of course it had to be proprietary technology. In one case offered to help DFS take kid out home where was being given colloidal silver. Phew. The gallstones you produce from this recipe will float as alternative thinkers themselves point out. That d be like reversing loss of virginity
There s another paper from Newman . Since it is soliciting investors we can hope this will happen soon
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