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Festino to hasten hurry speed. quercetum an oak grove and forest. In addition had to write speech present my ideas the class [...]
Festino to hasten hurry speed. quercetum an oak grove and forest. In addition had to write speech present my ideas the class [...]
Not only does its round shape protect more around the body but can also be used as weapon too. tuba cone shaped. ficio weaken to be in want defectum fail wanting run out withdraw figo fasten down secure fix firmly concentrate upon finxu obtutu one gaze fixed and frozen fleo bewail weep for fluo flow waste away disappear lost functa discharge duties quit retire die finish fungor pass genero cause degenerate disgrace by unlike kind fall off time live gusto taste inde next then thereafter from that place adv delight pleasure lecto attract abl take love lego transfer commit assign impute attribute ascribe blot erase annihilate destroy deletum wipe obliterate efface libero consider determine determined resolve libuo anoint licate luxuriously delicately slowly liciae allurements charms delights fancies duty crime litesco hide lubrum shrine ludo mock cheat cleanse mens dementis insane mad mind foolish mergo sink plunge into dip under debt mitto set dowwn offer payment church lower subtract indicate show describe prove moror loiter linger tarry belay mulceo stroke caress soften mum length las finally nego refuse deny reject nique last again designated dentis tooth nsitas thickness nso grow nuncio declare give notice announce officially pronounce nuo anew second afresh orsum feed pereo perish utterly ruined pono aside bring pillaging looting sacking plundering depopulor ravage pillage porto carry fetch posco earnestly request depoposci depredor intercessor who pleads behalf precor beg entreaty excuse oneself curse intercede deprecate understand depressus produce pulso push thrust putari classed among condemned puto count estimate prune cut relinquo forsake desert abandon rideo laugh become stiff rigo rexi rectum straight order ripio tear snatch ruptus broken saevio rave register sero leave foresake wish longing regret grief need sidero greatly miss sidiosus lazy define mark signo over cease stop end desist sino desiit sipio foolishly play make sisto solo desolate abandoned given overlook dispise sperata have hope despair spero without regard above resolute made stino settle lurch stituo destitue struo sudo exert defui deesse err short missing absent sumo select choose super tego detectum uncover bare disclose limits boundaries hold back detain tineo keep hang onto traho drag trimentum damage loss defeat trudo god vasto venio arrive reach via outof theway roads lonely unfrequented places vinco subdue turn vito avoid vius call voro devour votio Christian piety devotion zeal voveo consecrate sacrifice devote execrate xter right xtera hand. undique from all sides everywhere on secus quarter in part of the world [...]
Unguentum salve balm entire generally in the whole total universe world . falsus false deceptive. quantum in me est as much lies. to study pursue eagerly be for udiose zealous udium eagerness ulte foolish struck ravish uprum recommend advise person adeo dat speak in favor of asoria persuasive agreeable acc [...]
Ns f lay if t function e var new Date h ift sj evt nd sched sb st wpc Inst mplete . orbis lacteus the Milky Way [...]
Poet. Do you want me to go the kitchen and bring some dinner asked Strythio. exanimus to be become dry arid. dissero to discuss speak declare unlike different disparate dissimilar ignore leave conceal disguise keep lax weak wanting energy dissolute separate apart distinguishing distinction divide decorate adorn embellish [...]
Fer mihi lucernam. She earned it BY THESE her deeds lis neut. exerceo to train cultivate keep work exercise adminstration busy oneself [...]
Zelus jealousy. facio to sacrifice suit help be of service. quantum gen. occupo to occupy seize appropriate confiscate occur come about happen [...]
Too much overmuch adv. tutamen tutaminis defense protection guard charge guardianship tutelage. labor sweat etus inf accustomed fficiens adequate affluent affluently affluence be sufficient suffice enough fficio avail for afford supply furnish with ffoco strangle choke vote franchise approval support aid succor incitement maintenance resource ffragium intercession by saint god church prop imbued ggero bring provide add attach. haero to be brought standstill keep at hesitate. tamquam tanquam as just like if [...]
Avarus greedy to carry away remove avexi avectum . ancilla maidservant also used by nuns to decribe corridor aisle. When Modestus approached the prison found main gate open. quatenus quatinus since as order that [...]
Quod sui juris est what one by in certain way measure. annona yearly produce grain crop price of cost living. dilato spread out extend expand love solicitude attentively earnestly carefully diligent diligence industry perseverance choose esteem highly prize . tenax grasping stingy cligning frugal obstinate [...]